Sustainable, Organic and Odorless

Sustainable and organic farming often uses compost as natural fertilizer. That brings unpleasant odor to the farm and sometimes, it affects neighbors as well. The level of odor is also tightly related to the level of contamination which brings farmers trouble and cost. In this section, we will share how Happy Micro drastically changes the status quo and makes farming sustainable and odorless.

What is Happy Micro?

Happy Micro is an inorganic product made of 100% natural resource such as solidified magma and volcanic ash. It is a magical catalyst to stimulte microorganisms existed in soil and water to naturally transform the environment. Happy Micro is not a checmical nor biotechnology product and it is safe.

Excellent Air Quality for organic odorless farming

This is the odor level of pig’s feces and urine stored in a plastic bottle for 45 days with Happy Micro. 10 of IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) is essentially odorless. We will get to that but first, let’s talk about smell.

What Is Oder?

Whether it is a modern (chemical/GMO driven) or organic farming, the odor from livestock is not pleasant. Ammonia (NH₃) and methane (CH₄) are two of the main compounds emitted during the microbial breakdown to cause such smell.

According to a study conducted by D. N. Miller from U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, the the level of odor is related to the level of fermentative soil. The more fermentative soil is, the less the odor will be.

Since the fermentation is a part of biochemical living organism breakdown process which microorganisms play critical roles, the stimulation enabled by Happy Micro increases the breakdown to reduce the odor. At least, that is our observation for the past few decades.

Happy Micro in Organic Farming

Pig’s feces and urine stuck in a bottle for 45 days. Good source for organic farming but dangerous.

Livestock excrement is the best natural fertilizers for organic farming. We decided to measure the odor level of pig’s feces and urine stored in a plastic bottle for 45 days. One contains Happy Micro and another does not. We use a Japanese company made odor meter to detect the odor level (IAQ: Indoor Air Quality)

As you can imagine how dangerous pig feces and urine after 45 days could be. The odor level hit the limit of the odor meter (>999) and these two poor guys were suffering from the deadily smell.

Another feces/urine bottle with Happy Micro was only 10. You can find what 10 means in the following IAQ list which is Excellent. Yes, an excellent air quality for feces and urine of pigs sealed in a bottle for 45 days.

This is why organic farming smells

Let’s take a look at different real world cases of how Happy Micro solves odor issues.

Natural Odorless Fertilizer for Organic Farming

We have also done a quick experiment for calf feces which is also great for organic farming. We mixed it with water and measured the odor level (IAQ). The IAQ index was 999 and became 26 in an hour after adding Happy Micro. This would be a fun and easy experiement for anyone with or without calf feces because apparently, Happy Micro works for human excrement as well.

Odorless calf feces liquid for organic farming

When you spread this odorless, 100% natural fertilizer to your organic farm. The soil is happy with this clean fertilizer so it takes care agricultural products you grow. Once it is absorbed by microorganisms in the soil, they bring their “Happiness” down to groundwater and make “citizens” there happy.

This fertilizer tank has 300kg calf feces and 300g Happy Micro. It stays odorless for years with one doze in the beginning (300g). We once took the sludge in the bottom of the tank to a lab for analysis and the result was the compound of the sludge was very close to soil.

The crazy benefit brought by Happy Micro opens the door to an organic but yet bad odor-free farming. It is not only “good smell” but beneficial for the environment.

Odor emissions from intensive livestock farms have attracted increased attention due to their adverse impacts on the environment and human health. This paper summarizes the odor emission characteristics of livestock farms.

Odorless Livestock Organic Farms

As we described in Natural Odorless Fertilizer for Organic Farming, Happy Micro enables microorganisms to make the smell go away. However, we cannot put chickens and pigs into a big container processed by microorganisms to deoderize them.

They are smelly because of their sweat, saliva, feces and urine are on their body and all over their “rooms”. How can we make them “odorless” without cleaning every one of them like Royal Family’s Chihuahua?

We would like to say we figured out a solution but the truth is we discovered this by accident. The very first application of Happy Micro was water purification for pond, lake and aquaculture.

Odorless Organic farming wotks on livestock too

We witnessed that livestocks drank the water have less smell so we experimented with it and now we are positive that Happy Micro water can make bad odor go away.

We do not know all the scientific facts about why it works but we are guessing it is related to the microbiome in animal’s body. However, the “modern” over-crowded environment for livestock will give microorganisms a hard time to neutralize compounds that case unappealing smell.

Having said that, in such harsh environment, Happy Micro is still able to bring down the odor to a surprising level with Happy Micro water for livestock and Happy Micro powder for the ground.

Odorless & Organic Aquaculture

The odor in aquaculture is very different from livestocks or fertilizers because the fish is living with the feces in the water so we need to take care the water quality and the animal at the same time.

What You Need For Eel Organic Farming

Let’s take the eel farming as an example. The equipments and systems you need for proper eel farming are probably beyond your imagination. We will list required systems without going through all the details.

Raceway Tanks, Monitoring Systems, Mechanical Filtration (for solids), Biological Filtration (for chemicals), CO2 Stripper (for gases), Ultraviolet Lighting (UV) (for disinfecting), Super Oxygenation (for restructuring & reoxygenating), Water Supply (deep wells into aquifer), Commercial Water Softening System and Valve System. (Source)

It is understandable that all equipments are there for recreating an environment suitable for eels but on top of these systems, antibiotics are required to reduce the possibility of disease and infections.

Another environmentally and financially expensive resource is water. 40% of water need to be added everyday for the filtration to keep the water clean. Clearly, it is far from sustainable and eels in such environment are usually very slippery (covered by mucus) and smelly.

Facility for eel farming with Happy Micro odorless organic farming method

Organic Farming with Happy Micro

When the farmer is using Happy Micro (above photo), all they need is water circulation system because the “satisfied” microorganisms take care of the excrement, excessive feed and generate oxygen in the water. As results, Happy Micro organic farming method for Eel Farming doesn’t need adding 40% water everyday to keep it clean. We just reuse the water.

Since the water is clean, antibiotics are not necessary which reduces the amount of “work” for microorganisms. The facility is not smelly and eels in such facility are not either which is very hard to believe for many eel farmers. See how clean the water is.

Clean eel pod with Happy Micro odorless organic farming method

Fasting for Non-Organic Eels

One trivia is that, whenever you eat eel (usually it’s farm raised) at a restaurant, that eel needs to go through a “fasting” period for at least 3 days and ideally 7 days before processed. It is to get rid of all dirt (muddy smell) in the eel, otherwise it pretty much uneatable.

However, if you fish a wild eel or get an eel from farms with Happy Micro method, you can eat them right away without any of those muddy smell.

Eating eel freshly caught and cooked on the same day. That’s possible with Happy Micro odorless organic farming method

Financial Return with Happy Micro

We have not calculated the ROI (return on investment) for Happy Micro farmers. However, we don’t need most of equipments, no antibiotics, no additional 40% water everyday to keep the water clean. It is clear to us that from both economic and sustainable perspective, Happy Micro is no doubt a much better choice.

For the reference, the amount of Happy Micro required is 60ppm. If you have a facility with 100 tons of water, you only need 6kg of Happy Micro. Our experiment lasts more than a year without adding more Happy Micro and we think it will continue for years to come.

See how “happy” those eels are.

This use case is closely related to how Happy Micro is contributing to Water Treatment. Highly recommend you to check that out.

Deodorize Old Man Smell

Happy Micron on Human Body

In the chapter of Odorless Livestock Farms, we have seen how Happy Micro works on the body odor of livestocks. That might make you wonder, would Happy Micro works on human body too? This issue is not about the organic farming but interesting enough to take a look.

In our mind, the answer is yes because scientists have discovered that the microbiome living in our gut, mouth and skin are crucial for our health but, we cannot claim that Happy Micro does work that way.

We need to do scientific control studies with enouch samples to prove it. However, as an anecdotal evidence, it indeed changes the odor of them or their husband based on the feedback from users.

A Case Study

One particular case is that a Japanese user bought it for her 60 year old husband to see if Happy Micro Water could make him a bit more energetic. After 2 months of that attempt, her husband did not notice an obvious change but she did. It was his odor.

Most of us probably have smelled the “aging smell” from old people. That smell increases as time goes. Is her husband not clean? Lazy to shower? No, it’s the opposite. He takes a shower and bath almost everyday (Japanese people like to take a bath) but according to the user, her husband’s aging smell was so strong that she could smell it from his pillow.

(P.S. Couldn’t find a commercial free use photo for men taking a bath. Zero intention to suggest her husband is a monkey)

After 2 months, that aging smell was almost gone and she noticed another murderous smell was decreased significantly. It was his poop that was so bad that she could not use the bathroom without a long period for air circulation but it became “normal” as she said.

1 year later, the user could not decide to purchase another one because her husband’s smell had come back recently. She is not quite sure the cause but she decided to buy one more to see how it goes.

Does It Work?

What we can say about this particular case is that, it worked for about a year and we do not know why it stopped working. Is it because of Happy Micro Water could not keep up with the increasing aging smell? or there is some compounding effects to change his biochemistry in his body?

We will stop guessing but make certain amount of investment into scientific discovery about how Happy Micro affects body odor and the smell of excrement. Until then, it is all up to you. We would like to hear more from you.


Odor issues happen in places with higher humidity that is essentially vaporized water. Microorganisms prefer watery environment and organic farming needs them so water comes up a lot in this section. It is crucial to microorganisms as much as it is to human. We can survive without food for weeks but not water for days.

The U.S. has announced the $1 trillion infrastructure bill that allocates $15 billion for lead pipe remediation, $10 billion to remove contaminants in drinking water, and more than $20 billion for projects that address broader drinking water and wastewater needs. An additional $970 million for rural water and wastewater programs.

We cannot replace lead pipes but we can certainly drastically improve the wastewater treatment in many industries. Let’s dive into how Happy Micro contributes in Wastewater Treatment.

Questions or Suggestions? – Contact Us

More of Happy Micro Benefit

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Odorless Organic Farming

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